Indeed, oncology patients often experience some deficiencies.
One-third has a lack of Vitamin D. During the treatment there’s often a loss of vitamin C or calcium, which is a key element in skeletal metabolism.
Usually, it can be restored just by dietary means. Just imagine, we consume around 500 kilos of food per year! So, it is very likely that most of the nutrition we get is from food. Moreover, there’s no need to wonder what kind of vitamins you take (oil, liquid, or tablet) if they are compatible, or how to schedule the intake, just your healthy food.
Can there be any severe deficiencies in oncological patients that one can’t support with a special diet? Of course. There are blood tests that can reveal a lack of any element. Those results should be taken to a physician, oncologist, or endocrinologist, so it’s them who individually prescribe drugs to compensate for any loss.
Vitamin overdose (hypervitaminosis) exists and can cause some serious problems. The most risky are lipophile vitamins like D or E: in the USA there’ve been registered more than 64, 000 cases of vitamin overdose consequences.
For those who have no desire or chance to consult, we have prepared a quick guide on how to have your vitamins.
There is no evidence that vitamins can cause cancer or relapse. And this is great news. Vitamins also do not feed the tumor, just like sugar. Therefore, you definitely won’t harm yourself by taking a multivitamin complex every six months. The opposite question is, are vitamins a preventive measure against cancer? There are no such studies and probably never will be.
So, you can take vitamins for oncology. Now let’s talk about what I recommend drinking as a must and what you should drink.
💊Омега 3,6,9
💊Витамин Д. Необходимую дозировку определяет врач.
💊Витамины группы В. Обязательно особенно на фоне химии.
💊Витамин С
💊Витамин А – потенциально снижают негативный эффект от радиации и химии
💊Витамин Е
💊Йод – сдаем анализ, особенно для йододефицитных
especially in endemic regions
Before you start any vitamin therapy, please consult your physician.
If you’re interested in getting more info on Vitamins B and C and weather they affect your oncological state, please watch our video by Dr. Ivashkov: