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Subtotal resection

Subtotal resection

Is it possible to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by removing the breast? Yes, it is. Such operations are called risk-reducing. The essence of this procedure is to remove most or all of the breast tissue.


Risk-reducing procedures include:

  • Prophylactic mastectomy is the total removal of the breasts, with or without the involvement of the skin and nipples.
  • Subtotal resection: When ONLY glandular tissue is removed (90-99%), leaving the skin, subcutaneous fat, nipple-areola complex, and about 1-10% of the breast tissue intact.

It’s important to note that in subtotal resection, no lymph nodes are removed, so there is no risk of lymphedema.


Removing a healthy organ is unreasonable and excessive. But there are some conditions where such an operation would be justified.


A woman has breast cancer that developed at a young age.


The closest female relatives also have cases of breast cancer and ovarian cancer before the age of 45. If breast cancer develops before the age of 35-45, then genetics is considered the main cause in this case, i.e. the meaning it is associated with a genetic mutation.
In this case, the risk of cancer in the other breast increases greatly.


Confirmed mutation in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.
In 12% of breast cancer patients, the disease is due to an inherited BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, which increases the risk of developing cancer from 10% to 70%!


Multiple cysts.
Cysts themselves do not turn into cancer, but their large number complicates diagnosis and increases the risk of missing a malignant tumor.

Angelina Jolie effect

The most famous carrier of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations is Angelina Jolie. In 2013, she decided to remove both of her breasts and have implants placed. According to the actress, her risk of developing breast cancer was 87% and ovarian cancer was 50%. To avoid waiting for a diagnosis, the problem was addressed radically. After the prophylactic surgery, her risk of breast cancer decreased from 87% to 10%.

Are you at risk?

Take a mall survey to assess your risks of hereditary breast cancer.
To remind you, high risks do not guarantee a disease progression. This survey is not a diagnostic test, but an inventory to screen wheather you are in a group of risk.

The more positive answers the more risk.

You have a close relative who were diagnosed wioth breast cancer before 45 years old?
Do you have any family history of breast or ovarian cancer?
Do you have relatives with triple negative breast cancer (which is most aggressive cancer, discussed further)?

Were any cases of breast cancer from both mother and father side?

Is your ethnicity an Ashkenazi jew?

Were there any cases of breast cancer in men in your family history?

Have there any genetic factors been found that increase the risk of oncological disease in any of your relatives?

Legal nuances

In Russia, it is illegal to undergo prophylactic mastectomy at your own request. This procedure (like Angelina Jolie’s) is only possible if there is a confirmed mutation and an already diagnosed cancer of one breast. It is important that both factors — cancer and mutation — are present to remove the second breast; one factor alone is not enough.

That is why if you are in a high-risk group but prophylactic mastectomy is not possible, subtotal resection is an option. This significantly reduces the risk of cancer development.

Субтотальная резекция

What will the breasts look like after surgery?

Naturally, a breast that has had most of its glandular tissue removed will appear ‘hollow’ and less aesthetically pleasing That is why, during the procedure, women are generally offered implant breast reconstruction to restore the lost volume.

Our team has extensive experience in performing such operations. Dr. Ivashkov is not only a plastic surgeon but also an oncologist and mammologist, so we know exactly how to make the breast not only beautiful but also healthy, minimizing oncological risks.

Субтотальная резекция



It is not possible to breastfeed after all the glandular tissue has been removed, so you will need to weigh the risks before surgery.

After the rehabilitation period is completed, there are no restrictions, and the woman can return to a full active life.

If you are thinking about preventive surgery or have any questions, come for a consultation. Our specialists will help you choose the optimal tactics specifically for your case.

Субтотальная резекция

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Проведение выездных лекций, мастер-классов и показательных операций

Биопсия сторожевого лимфоузла, мастэктомия с одномоментной реконструкцией молочной железы экспандер/имплант, DIEP flap, LD flap, TUG flap, LICAP/IMAP/TAP, ALT, radialis flap, fibular flap и другие.

Мастер-классы по лимфатической хирургии.

Так же возможна организация показательного мастер-класса на трупном материале, в случае если в вашем городе есть такая возможность.

Курс по микро и супермикрохирургии
для врачей

Авторский курс Владимира Ивашкова для специалистов, которые хотят развиваться в направлении реконструктивной или лимфатической хирургии. Лучший мировой опыт и много практики из любой точки мира.

Научная деятельность

Наша команда уделяет большое внимание систематизации того опыта, который мы получаем ежедневно. Написание монографий и научных статей в российских РИНЦ журналах. Реконструктивная микрохирургия находится на стыке специальностей, всегда есть много новых областей для сотрудничества не только в хирургии, но и в диагностике, математическом моделировании, 3D технологиях.

Мы всегда рады соавторству, присылайте ваши идеи, которые могут перерасти в совместные научные проекты.


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