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Lymphedema treatment

can be cured!

I’m not talking about lifestyle changes: lifelong use of compression garments and comprehensive decongestive therapy (CDT) four times a year. I’m talking about a treatment recognized by the best surgeons worldwide.

Lymphedema can be cured surgically. Innovative supermicrosurgical techniques can restore the anatomy of the damaged lymphatic system and create new lymph outflow routes permanently. If performed early, it can cure 9 out of 10 patients with lymphedema, not just control the disease.

We are the largest team in the post-Soviet region specializing in surgical treatment of lymphedema. For us, treating lymphedema is a daily routine. We have already helped thousands of patients return to full lives, and we are confident we can help you too.
Лечение лимфостаза

I know how
difficult your journey has been.

A long search for a competent surgeon. Accepting that lymphedema and wearing compression garments are lifelong. Massage and bandaging sessions that provided only short-term relief, with the swelling returning afterward. This is because such treatments target symptoms rather than the underlying cause.

I am glad you are reading this. Because now you know how you can truly help yourself.

The first step is diagnosis.

Diagnosis of Lymphedema

Indocyanine Green (ICG) Fluorescent Lymphography

Lymphedema cannot be diagnosed by sight alone.
To confirm lymphedema and determine its stage, Indocyanine Green (ICG) Fluorescent Lymphography is essential.

To confirm or rule out lymphedema

A difference in limb volume does not always indicate lymphedema. Sometimes, variations in limb size can be due to individual physical characteristics or other conditions.

To understand
the cause of edema

If lymphedema developed from birth or appeared suddenly, understanding its cause is crucial for proper treatment. This may be due to genetic mutations affecting normal lymphatic vessel formation, absence of a thoracic duct, lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome, among other reasons.

To determine the stage of lymphedema

The stage of lymphedema depends not only on the difference in limb volume but also on whether the lymphatic vessels in the affected limb are intact. This can only be seen by introducing a special contrast agent that spreads through the lymphatic system, showing the lymph flow in the body.

Create a personal tailored
approach to the patient

Based on lymphography results, the doctor can see the anatomy of each patient's lymphatic system and individually select the most effective treatment plan. It also allows precise selection of the vessel suturing site, ensuring a positive surgical outcome.

The only effective diagnostic method for lymphedema

Neither ultrasound, lymphoscintigraphy, nor MRI provide sufficient information about the condition of the patient's lymphatic system. Whether the lymphatic system is damaged and the exact cause of lymphedema can only be determined with fluorescent lymphography.

Early Diagnosis of Lymphedema

Fluorescent lymphography allows for the early diagnosis of lymphedema, even before any external symptoms, such as differences in limb volume, appear, while the lymphatic system has already begun to deteriorate.

How the examination is performed

The physician injects a special contrast agent, indocyanine green, with a very fine needle. The agent is non-radioactive, non-allergenic, and does not increase the risk of edema.
The patient spends 40 minutes in a waiting room while the contrast agent distributes throughout the lymphatic system.
Using a special photodynamic camera resembling an ultrasound machine, the physician observes the condition of the patient’s lymphatic system in real time.
The procedure is painless and requires no special preparation.

Congratulations! You have completed the diagnosis and can now proceed to the most effective treatment for your specific case.

Лечение лимфостаза

Advances of the surgical
lymphostasis treatment


At the baseline of the disease, it can be cured completely.


Most of the patients cease wearing compression after surgery


In 90% of cases procedure is performed once in a lifetime.


The risk of erysipelas is significantly decreasing


Can be used as prophylaxis for lymphostasis in patients who underwent lymph nodes removal.


Can be suitable for even long-lasting swelling (5-10-15-20 years)


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Участие в конференциях

Ежегодно я делаю около 20 различных докладов. По мере анализа материала я делюсь теми выводами, которые считаю доказанными научно и практически.

Направление пациентов на лечение

При направлении к нам на диагностику или лечение пациентов, вы получаете 10% cash back от стоимости лечения.

Проведение выездных лекций, мастер-классов и показательных операций

Биопсия сторожевого лимфоузла, мастэктомия с одномоментной реконструкцией молочной железы экспандер/имплант, DIEP flap, LD flap, TUG flap, LICAP/IMAP/TAP, ALT, radialis flap, fibular flap и другие.

Мастер-классы по лимфатической хирургии.

Так же возможна организация показательного мастер-класса на трупном материале, в случае если в вашем городе есть такая возможность.

Курс по микро и супермикрохирургии
для врачей

Авторский курс Владимира Ивашкова для специалистов, которые хотят развиваться в направлении реконструктивной или лимфатической хирургии. Лучший мировой опыт и много практики из любой точки мира.

Научная деятельность

Наша команда уделяет большое внимание систематизации того опыта, который мы получаем ежедневно. Написание монографий и научных статей в российских РИНЦ журналах. Реконструктивная микрохирургия находится на стыке специальностей, всегда есть много новых областей для сотрудничества не только в хирургии, но и в диагностике, математическом моделировании, 3D технологиях.

Мы всегда рады соавторству, присылайте ваши идеи, которые могут перерасти в совместные научные проекты.


  • Супермикро
  • Диссекция лимфатических сосудов
  • Лимфа-лимфатический анастомоз
  • Лимфовенозный анастомоз
  • Анастомозы сосудов разного диаметра
  • Анастомозы в условиях атеросколероза
  • Хирургия лоскутов
  • Типс нд трикс


  • Обзор курса
  • Рефреш программы “Начинающий микрохирург”
  • Диссекция сосудов на животной модели
  • Анастомоз конец в конец на животной модели
  • Анастомоз конец в бок
  • Стандартный анастомоз
  • Анастомоз конец в конец с сосудами малого диаметра
  • Анастомоз конец в бок


  • Знакомство с микроинструментами
  • Знакомство с микроскопом
  • Правильная посадка
  • Микрохирургический шов на латексной модели
  • Анастомоз на трубке
  • Диссекция сосудов на животной модели
  • Анастомоз конец в конец на животной модели