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Lymph node transplant may cause metastases.

Lymph node transplant may cause metastases.

Detralex, Venoruton, Ascorutin, diuretics. What are the best drugs to manage lymphedema?

The main thing to keep in mind is that lymphedema is caused by lymph nodes and vessel damage after an oncological surgical procedure or radiotherapy. Does it mean that drugs might restore our lymphatic system and make new nodes grow? We all believe in miracles,

but every belief should have its limit…

Diosmin consisting drugs.

It is a venotonic drug.

That might work when there’s a stagnation of blood in veins. Seems logical that if the drug manages vein stagnation it might help with the one in lymph vessels, but it is not. The lymphatic system and venous system are two anatomically and physiologically different systems, and they require different treatmentapproaches approaches approaches. Different fluids flow through them and they also need to be treated differently.

You don’t treat dark circles under the eyes with an ointment like “bruise-off”.


That’s a homeopathy which says it all. It does not help with lymphedema management, even if it has a “lymph” in its name.


Vitamin C + Rutin.

Might improve coagulation, and strengthen the vessel walls,

but does nothing to do with lymph drainage.


Can manage one’s swelling. In cases of venous failure or trauma.

But those are completely different swelling. No matter how thick a vein wall is a lymph vessel tears.


Herb based venotonic. Also has some effect on venous failure. It targets the vessel wall, improving the elasticity and functionality of venous valves to promote drainage. But it is only good if you are having varicose veins, not lymphedema.


Most of you must have been experiencing an effect of those. It helps because it eliminates excessive liquid.

But lymph is not only water.

It is water with protein and fat and connective tissue growth factors.

So, while the drug works it only eliminates water, leaving the rest to stagnate.

So, it all will become as it was just as you quit urinative because the pathologic process persists: the pressure in lymph vessels is still high and water with protein will keep congregating in tissues. Yet urinatives promote blood concentration which might lead to thrombosis.

So it is obvious that these drugs can’t help to manage lymphedema. By the way, none of them have such an indication in their manual.

Some might have “lympho-venous failure” but that only concerns venous valves and varicosities complications. In this case, there is too much liquid coming through the venous wall and this amount is higher than a healthy lymph system can transfer. That is what a “lympho-venous failure” is.

What do the drugs do? They aim a vein – its wall becomes thicker which leads to less liquid in the tissues, but the lymph system stays the same which has nothing to do with lymphedema after oncological procedures.

Now it is clear that drugs won’t ever help you to manage your lymphedema.

Now read a list of undesirable effects of those drugs:

Low platelet count, hirsutism, hyperpotassemia, dehydration, confusion, sleepiness, headache, paralysis, arrhythmia, vasculitis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, eczema, alopecia, kidney failure, infertility, and much more…

If you want to treat your lymphedema, aim for its causes – a damaged lymph system.


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