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What is you may do for beauty after oncology treatment.

What is you may do for beauty after oncology treatment.

Five beauty procedures that will make you look younger

We must admit that a long oncological treatment not only fights cancer but can damage healthy cells as well. Plus, natural degradation that every woman faces with age. In the majority of cases, cancer is a disease of people over 50 so beauty problems might be an issue. As a result, most patients mention those skin changes when they look in the mirror – bleak, fatigue, dehydrated skin, loss of tone, and collapsed shape of a face. This is what women after oncological treatment often have to deal with. Is it ok to treat those things at cosmetologists? Of course! How often do they refuse to treat when they hear “cancer”? Almost always. Preventive refuse is a common strategy of all beauty specialists. However, those restrictions are only essential for those who have malignant skin tumors. For women with breast cancer or any gynecological oncology issues, there’s a little that is forbidden. But there are not so many people who know that, and women in remission of disease keep avoiding any cosmetology procedures without any basis, afraid to harm themselves. Here are five cosmetology procedures that are safe for women after breast and cervical cancer.

Botulinotherapy or just “botox”

Botox injections can help to smoothen superficial wrinkles and make mimic ones less visible. Neurotoxin injected in the muscle blocks it from moving. As a result, those muscles that are active in mimics become more even. The effect of injection lasts from 3 to 67 months depending on individual response. There are absolutely no oncological risks but there is the possibility to block the muscles that are responsible for smiling. To avoid it, only trust a specialist that is good in anatomy.


This procedure might be effective in restoring initial face shapes. During lipofilling a fat taken from some other part of the patient’s body is injected with a special needle to areas in the face where it’s needed. It’s also can be performed on the hand or neck or wherever it is needed to restore the shape. An obvious advantage is that a patient is being treated with own tissues, which minimizes any complications and makes healing smoother. The duration of injections’ action is from 3 to 6 months, depending on individual response.


Shaping the eye by incising excesses of skin on the eyelid. That might be performed either under general or local anesthesia and lasts no longer than an hour. After rehab which is about 3 weeks, you would look at yourself with another eye. As it is a radical surgical procedure, the effect would last forever. The risks are general surgical complications and not optimal eye shape due to excessive incision. In our clinic these procedures are performed by Dr. Ivashkov himself, who is well aware of all the difficulties of facial surgery and his 10 years of surgical experience facilitates establishing the right indications for surgery.

What else is there I can do?

RF lifting

It is a non-surgical technique that helps to “pull” the face and reduce fat tissue in the area. Might be quite painful but it works. The point is to use a high-frequency wave to heat an underlying layer of skin (derma and hypoderma) – the fat pad becomes thinner, circulation improves, collagen changes its structure and metabolism improves. Collagen molecules become contracted which makes skin more elastic. The best results can be seen in 4-6 months and sometimes repetitive procedures are required.

Thread lifting

Using a thin needle or a cannula thin biodegradable threads are being injected into affected parts of the face. This results in microtrauma which consequently causes tissue lifting in response to some injury substances. Also, it stimulates native collagen production. The effect may persist from months to several years, depending on the inner structure of the skin. If tissues are “heavy” it is more likely they would come a full circle quickly. If the skin is too thin, those threads might be seen contouring The most common complications are general surgical ones. It is important to discuss all the issues with your oncologist before the procedure. Regardless that for most remission patients there are no risks, it is better to discuss your case with a specialist. You can never hesitate to tell your fears or propositions to us. Your prosperity, health, and beauty are our priority. Notice that you can always combine cosmetology procedures like lipofilling, blepharoplasty, or botulin therapy with other procedures that our team successfully performs – lymphedema treatment or mammoplasty – to reduce the time of your rehab.

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Ежегодно я делаю около 20 различных докладов. По мере анализа материала я делюсь теми выводами, которые считаю доказанными научно и практически.

Направление пациентов на лечение

При направлении к нам на диагностику или лечение пациентов, вы получаете 10% cash back от стоимости лечения.

Проведение выездных лекций, мастер-классов и показательных операций

Биопсия сторожевого лимфоузла, мастэктомия с одномоментной реконструкцией молочной железы экспандер/имплант, DIEP flap, LD flap, TUG flap, LICAP/IMAP/TAP, ALT, radialis flap, fibular flap и другие.

Мастер-классы по лимфатической хирургии.

Так же возможна организация показательного мастер-класса на трупном материале, в случае если в вашем городе есть такая возможность.

Курс по микро и супермикрохирургии
для врачей

Авторский курс Владимира Ивашкова для специалистов, которые хотят развиваться в направлении реконструктивной или лимфатической хирургии. Лучший мировой опыт и много практики из любой точки мира.

Научная деятельность

Наша команда уделяет большое внимание систематизации того опыта, который мы получаем ежедневно. Написание монографий и научных статей в российских РИНЦ журналах. Реконструктивная микрохирургия находится на стыке специальностей, всегда есть много новых областей для сотрудничества не только в хирургии, но и в диагностике, математическом моделировании, 3D технологиях.

Мы всегда рады соавторству, присылайте ваши идеи, которые могут перерасти в совместные научные проекты.


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