Let’s talk about who are the ones that should wear a compression garment and when. Should the one wear a compression right after the surgery? Does it help? And the most important – how to choose the right one? Lymphedema therapy includes a proper compression of an affected limb. Initially, any compression garment should be worn right after the oncological procedure (tumor removal) to help a lymphatic system adapt after node removal. That does not prevent edema totally but certainly lowers the charge for the limb. If edema appears, wearing compression garments is inevitable to decrease the spreading of swelling, regardless of the cause. Please, mention that it is no cure or treatment but an adjuvant method to lessen the lymphedema. Also, we always recommend our patients tear a compression after surgical procedures and courses of CDT. After the course of rehabilitation is completed some patients may cease wearing compression but for some, it might still be necessary to be worn occasionally.
When is it possible to wear a standard compression garment?
After taking all the measurements a specialist says that a garment suits you. Also, we recommend using standard compression as a preventive measure right after a surgical procedure.
When a custom-tailored compression garment is needed?
• To sustain CDT effects when only a non-surgical therapy is planned. • If a standard garment does not suit a patient anatomically. • If lymphedema is local and only foot or lower leg is affected. • If your therapy is divided into stages to manage complicated cases.
What class of compression is needed?
We recommend starting with the second class and moving to the third if edema progresses.
To what should I pay attention?
A garment should be hard to put on and compression must be felt clearly. At the same time, an elastic band should not tighten a limb, otherwise, it might cause migration of lymphedema.
With or without a glove?
An arm garment with a glove is recommended for all patients with upper extremity lymphedema. The whole arm must be compressed evenly to avoid pushing the swelling on the dorsal part of the hand. Choose garments with fingers.
Flat- or round-knitted?
Flat-knitted textiles are more sustainable and their compression lasts longer. But keep in mind that a better round-knitted garment than none.
With or without a belt?
Every accessory part of the garment may cause additional and undesirable pressure or friction. So a silicon band is the best choice, in case you’re not allergic to silicone.
Panty tights, stockings, or knee socks?
Start with stockings with opened toes.
You can’t pick the right garment yourself? No problem!
You can order any type of compression garments at our clinic: standard or individually tailored! There’s a specially trained lymphologist to assort a garment. We charge you only for the garment, assertion is free. You can have a garment after your first attendance or right after the surgical procedure. Rehab is much smoother and more comfortable with a garment assorted right after a limb is operated.
Our prices are lower than average on the market and less expensive than in orthopedic shops.
If you already have a garment that is not your size, we can help to tailor it so it will last longer. Dr. Ivashkov’s team is always there to help you with compression garments at any stage of your treatment.