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Five topics on moles

Five topics on moles

Can a mole transform into a malignant tumor? Even if one has had it for the whole life? Which of them are the most dangerous: large or small, black, brown or reddish, bulging or with hair in it? What if one scratches scratches it off?

Dr. Ivashkov answers five main questions on moles.

If one has many moles, it would inevitably lead to cancer?

Many moles itself is not obligatory a precancer. However, research shows 8 times higher risks of developing cancer in those who have more than 100 moles than in those who have almost none. But the reason for that is diagnostics difficulties – it’s harder to reveal a pathology among many moles than when a physician only looks at several. So, you should not be afraid of having many moles but you certainly should check them up regularly. Here you can look for statistics.

What moles are the riskiest to have: black, brown, or reddish?

Black mole is certainly a cancer. This mindset is a myth. Benign moles as well as melanomas can appear with any color. Moreover, there’s a subtype called amelanotic melanoma (pigmentless) which can be pink or even the same color as the skin.

The amount of melanin in tissue is what brings color to a mole.

So reddish moles can be the only exception because their color is due to blood vessels that lay superficially.

What might be a warning sign are changes in mole color in time or varying colors like dark center and light brown rim.

What is it in the size of the mole that one should be concerned about?

It’s not the size but the growth that one should be aware of.

If there’s new mole appears, one should consult an oncologist (dermatologist).

If one has mentioned the growth of a previously existing mole – one should consult a specialist.

If it has changed in shape, become asymmetrical, or bulging – consult a specialist.

If one’s birthmark changes somehow don’t hesitate to consult a specialist.

Should a mole be sealed when exposed to the sun?

No. It’s important to take care of all the skin and not a single mole. The majority of melanoma cases appear de novo due to ultraviolet rays. So always use sun cream, even in the morning and sunset time, wear long-sleeved clothes, and remember that we, oncologists recommend not to be exposed to the sun too much.

Can a mole removal stimulate any cancer development?

This is a classic logic error when cause and effect are confused. The incision of skin with a mole itself does not cause any oncological consequences. Nevertheless, quite often people who have mentioned their mole started to grow, bulge, itch, or change color are the patients who seek a mole removal, so once they receive a pitiful biopsy, they blame the incision. There’s nothing to blame.

Keep in mind that 99% of skin cancer can be prevented just by using conventional means – don’t be exposed to the sun too much, use SPF protection and you’ll have less to worry about.

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Проведение выездных лекций, мастер-классов и показательных операций

Биопсия сторожевого лимфоузла, мастэктомия с одномоментной реконструкцией молочной железы экспандер/имплант, DIEP flap, LD flap, TUG flap, LICAP/IMAP/TAP, ALT, radialis flap, fibular flap и другие.

Мастер-классы по лимфатической хирургии.

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Курс по микро и супермикрохирургии
для врачей

Авторский курс Владимира Ивашкова для специалистов, которые хотят развиваться в направлении реконструктивной или лимфатической хирургии. Лучший мировой опыт и много практики из любой точки мира.

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