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Diet against cancer. What is there to eat?

Diet against cancer. What is there to eat?

Which of the food products you eat daily might affect your health and promote oncological condition? There’s no anti-oncological diet to start with. In absolute majority of cases, it develops due to spontaneous cell mutations. But it still can be stimulated by smoking, alcohol consumption, chronic inflammation, sustained intake of super hot food, over cooked […]

Five topics on moles

Five topics on moles

Can a mole transform into a malignant tumor? Even if one has had it for the whole life? Which of them are the most dangerous: large or small, black, brown or reddish, bulging or with hair in it? What if one scratches scratches it off? Dr. Ivashkov answers five main questions on moles. If one […]

How to deal with lymphedema? How to treat a disease that could never occur?

How to deal with lymphedema? How to treat a disease that could never occur?

“Cancer can be cured!”. A diagnosis that might sound like a sentence 20 years ago is now a responding disease with proof-based treatment. On one hand, modern medicine provides not just novel therapeutic sequences but a whole new approach – now there’s not only chemotherapy but targeted drugs aimed at a special part of the […]

How cancer evades the immune system

How cancer evades the immune system

Why does the cancer occur and how does it get its power, so that our body can’t resist it? Why we can’t always cure the cancer? How come a chemotherapy that was effective for a few courses, becomes ineffective? Why does it have a recurrence? In this article the biology of cancer cells and how […]

Stages of oncological disease. TNM classification and breast cancer prognosis

Stages of oncological disease. TNM classification and breast cancer prognosis

TNM – is a mysterious abbreviature that nonetheless can tell a lot about the condition and prognosis in oncological patients. There are many ways to classify and stage oncological disease, but TNM is the most comprehensible. This article is focused on TNM classification concerning breast cancer. “T” is for the size of the tumor: The […]

Vitamins for oncology patients. What is right and what is not if one has cancer.

Vitamins for oncology patients. What is right and what is not if one has cancer.

Indeed, oncology patients often experience some deficiencies.   One-third has a lack of Vitamin D. During the treatment there’s often a loss of vitamin C or calcium, which is a key element in skeletal metabolism.   Usually, it can be restored just by dietary means. Just imagine, we consume around 500 kilos of food per […]

How to choose the most suitable compression garment?

How to choose the most suitable compression garment?

Let’s talk about who are the ones that should wear a compression garment and when. Should the one wear a compression right after the surgery? Does it help? And the most important – how to choose the right one? Lymphedema therapy includes a proper compression of an affected limb. Initially, any compression garment should be […]

What is you may do for beauty after oncology treatment.

What is you may do for beauty after oncology treatment.

Five beauty procedures that will make you look younger We must admit that a long oncological treatment not only fights cancer but can damage healthy cells as well. Plus, natural degradation that every woman faces with age. In the majority of cases, cancer is a disease of people over 50 so beauty problems might be […]

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Мастер-классы по лимфатической хирургии.

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  • Супермикро
  • Диссекция лимфатических сосудов
  • Лимфа-лимфатический анастомоз
  • Лимфовенозный анастомоз
  • Анастомозы сосудов разного диаметра
  • Анастомозы в условиях атеросколероза
  • Хирургия лоскутов
  • Типс нд трикс


  • Обзор курса
  • Рефреш программы “Начинающий микрохирург”
  • Диссекция сосудов на животной модели
  • Анастомоз конец в конец на животной модели
  • Анастомоз конец в бок
  • Стандартный анастомоз
  • Анастомоз конец в конец с сосудами малого диаметра
  • Анастомоз конец в бок


  • Знакомство с микроинструментами
  • Знакомство с микроскопом
  • Правильная посадка
  • Микрохирургический шов на латексной модели
  • Анастомоз на трубке
  • Диссекция сосудов на животной модели
  • Анастомоз конец в конец на животной модели